Sunday, May 18, 2014



The reason I am running is because my community deserves better.  I am not running because I think I have all the answers, it is because I KNOW I do not have all the answers. I understand that being an elected official is a team effort - not just at the State Capitol but in the community as well. We are facing challenges since the current occupant of the seat is not a team player or even involved with our community.

Over the years I have seen my hometown grow from a quite rural town on the hillside to a thriving economic engine. This transformation has not been without its challenges. I know that Government cannot solve all these challenges but we need to work together to ensure that Government isn’t the cause of all these challenges.

My community needs a person that will make representing them their number one priority, that will show-up for floor votes and debate, be willing to listen to all sides before making a decision, get all the facts on the issues, and make the tough decisions, all while keeping our community in mind, I know I am that person.

It is my hope that you will join us on this journey. We are going to need a lot of help to be victorious in August. Yes there are ways to help even if you don’t a lot of free time. We have put together a 5 different ways right here:

1. Social Media connections:
Like our Facebook Page and share it with your friends:
Follow us on Twitter: @VoteGolojuch
Follow this blog and share it.
Subscribe to our YouTube Chanel:
If you are posting about our campaign use our hashtag - #VoteGolojuch

2. Make a donation to our campaign:
On-line at:

Or make a check out to:
Vote Golojuch and mail to
92-954 Makakilo Dr. #71
Kapolei, HI  96707

3. Contact your friends and family in House District 42 and let them know about my candidacy and ask them to support me. It is the one-to-one contact that will help ensure victory in August.

4. Coffee Hour/Social If you, a family member or a friend lives our district let me know if you or they are willing to host a get together so I can meet their neighbors.

5. Volunteer
Sign wave,
help with a door-to-door literature drop or
phone bank (this one can be done from any where).

Like I always say if you have any questions, suggestions or concerns please do not hesitate in contacting me.

Mahalo for your time and consideration!

Michael Golojuch

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